New Year, (Sorta) New Blog, Still Minimalist

New Year, (Sorta) New Blog, Still Minimalist


I've been gone for a minute, now I'm back, it's 2018!

It's hard to believe I haven't posted on here in over a year, but after I returned from the Philippines in July 2016, I made a major decision to leave the States. From that point up until this fall, I had been preparing to move abroad. This meant getting very clear on my priorities including paying off debt, saving a lot, minimizing my possessions, and spending as much time as possible with family and friends. Also, after going back and forth about the future of Black Minimalists and my place in that future, I resolved to launch BM in 2017.

Fast forward to now and I'm currently living in Orizaba, Mexico and Black Minimalists is eight months old! Following through on these two major goals has been very rewarding and empowering, but I have been missing this space.

If you've been subscribed to me since the very beginning in 2014, then you know this blog has been through a few transitions and with each rebrand, I feel I've gotten closer to creating a digital space that truly reflects who I am and what I want to share with the world. At this point in my life, I really just want to share myself and my lifestyle in a simple, but direct way so I'm going old school and using this space as a digital diary.

I will be documenting the current phase of my minimalist life while living abroad and reflecting on how my life has evolved over the past five years since starting this journey. Of course, I'll still be offering tips, resources, and coaching to help you find your own freedom and simplicity in the process.

In the coming days and weeks, I'll be talking more about why I decided to leave the States and what it's like to move and live abroad while minimalist. You can also find me hanging out around interwebs on Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, and Facebook.

Happy New Year!

My Minimalist Summer 2017: Seattle (Video)

My Minimalist Summer 2017: Seattle (Video)