Creativepreneuers: Kaneisha Trott
Source: Kaneisha Trott's Facebook Page
What I enjoyed most about Kaneisha's interview was her transparency and authenticity.
I know Kaneisha Trott as "Nee Cee" and have known her since freshman year of college way back in 2001. We met in our freshman english class, took calculus together, and lived in the same dorm complex.
The essence of who Neecee is hasn't changed. She is intelligent, hilarious, generous, and kind. It's been great to watch her mature in her perception of self and on her spiritual journey.
Watch my in-depth interview with Kaneisha Trott as she talks about her dreams and music ministry.
She has already impacted many through her music ministry and her daily walk with God and I know she will touch so many more with her gift.
Support NeeCee on Facebook and Twitter.
She debuted last spring, live in concert, to a packed house at Power City in Smyrna, Delaware and I was fortunate to attend.
She brought down the house, with the help of Jesus of course.
You can hear a snippet of one of her tracks here.
What did you take away from NeeCee's interview?